Tuesday, February 19, 2008

v day to utah

The ones of Shauna and I are from when we heart attacked our FHE brothers around 12:30 am Valentine's morning. They still haven't confronted us about it and the hearts are still up to this day! Yeah buddy - we made 64 hearts. I kind of want to go over there and get a picture of them without them knowing. hehe Heart day, Lauren and I were to meet up with our FHE brothers to see The Jumper (excellent movie), but it ended up just being she and I. Confusion - Stuart did apologize quite a few times and still is. haha Ask me out on a date and we can see it together - hello?! haha The next 5 are from when I went down to Utah this past weekend. It was a much needed break. Thank you Sam, Nikki, Sumo and Josh. Loves to all!
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hour by hour

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

mission accomplished

I made it through the whole entire night - class was at 8 am. I am so proud of myself - woo hoo! Sad accomplishment, but surprisingly enough it wasn't that hard to stay awake. I didn't feel all that tired during the night - I kept myself busy doing homework. All in all it was a very productive night with Lauren by my side. haha Funny thing - every hour we took a picture and encorporated that number in the picture. I will have to post them and let you have a lookie-loo at my night. haha Classes went well - I struggled at the beginning of my first class, but then ended up fine. I didn't fall asleep while taking my tests. Aren't your proud? I am pretty sure I am past the point of exhaustion though - I might have to take an hour nap after devo.


so...it's 3:40 am and i am updating my blog. i decided to do something i have never tried before (minus my senior all nighter party) - i am attempting to pull an all nighter. i honestly don't know how this came about, but i have made it thus far. i have two tests tomorrow which i have been studying for - a paper due on wednesday (done) - an assignment due on friday (halfway done). so really? i am using my time well. i will keep you posted (no pun intended) on how the night progresses...

Friday, February 8, 2008


I figure that because most people who look at my blog are the ones that really know me and most of you have known me for my whole life, so I am going to pose a question. In my social work Practice 1 class (individual), we have begun talking about communication - verbal and nonverbal. My question(s): as you have all communicated with me, what have you noticed about me when I speak? What are my gestures when I speak? What is my pitch and tone when I speak? How is my delivery of speech? When I am listening to you speak, how are my listening skills? What do I do when I listen to you speak? I am interested in knowing what you think of my own personal communication skills...