Monday, March 31, 2008

mixed emotions...more excited than anything

I have a question: which one do you like better?


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

And what exactly are these for? And from whom? With that title, you've left us all wanting more details!

P.S. I love the ring! Both very pretty though...

Shauna said...

wait, so i didn't get to hear the story last night cuz i was on the phone. but does this have to do with a letter you got from a certain someone yesterday? um, ahhh. details later!!

Nikki said...

I know a few people who have that necklace and absolutely love it. I like both, though. :)

suzanne said...

Hello............where is the story.......I'm your mother!

ps. I like the ring best.........

Dyan said...

Definately the ring! The necklace is nice, I wouldn't turn it down or anything, but the ring perhaps with a little bigger shine in the center though...and i'm with everyone else here, what exactly are or for who you polling these for? :)