Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i feel sick - so sick - what i need is a dose...

i have been sick since about sunday with a cold. going to class and working through it - woo hoo! i am involved with a choir for the cultural celebration. it's going to be this amazing celebration the night before the rexburg temple gets dedicated: singing, dancing, narration, fiddle players, and what not. i'm really excited and an amazing opportunity. it looks like president hinckley is planning on attending. :) that's not why i'm doing it though. classes are going well - i'm actually taking 19 credits now. i added a beginning tap class, because they don't offer anything higher. it's fun to be tapping again and a nice refresher. nothing too exciting going on in the life of this college student...


suzanne said...

Nose spray..........breathe in.........ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

That song is going to be in my head now!

It was good to talk to you the other day! I'm excited you're coming down soon. Sorry you are sick.


Dani said...

of St Joseph's Aspirin... I win! Sorry you are sick. I am sending you healthy vibes!

suzanne said...

Man I totally spaced that one! Didn't even think of the song...........must mean I'm getting old.......'you're so old......." Well, take that St. Josephs aspirin and get to feeling