Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The awaited video...

Monday, November 24, 2008

O Say Can You See and a surprise package...

What an event filled weekend I had...to recap.....Tabatha and I got ready on Friday night to head to the OIT boy's basketball game. Go team! We won! Might I say that we looked especially fine.

Full body shot of 2 fine looking owls


And a close-up

Saturday was spent cleaning and just trying to pick up my room and bathroom. Confession: I did laundry, cleaned bathroom and room, and vacuumed all in my wedding shoes. haha I was trying to break them in. My mom and I were planning on heading out around 2:30 to run some errands...or so I thought. I changed plans and decided to head to Tab's house to help make t-shirts for the other boy's bball game that night. Around 2:30, I told my rents that I was going to leave. They were like "No, Alli. Give us 15 minutes to talk about some Christmas things and then we need to talk to you as well." Why? I asked myself. Just let me go. They get done talking and then my dad asks me to go help him with some Christmas ideas for Nic. I help him and I'm thinking just let me leave, honestly. haha Boy am I glad that I didn't leave. I heard a familiar noise of crutches clicking towards the door to the computer room and lo and behold, Nic is standing there. Yay! He decided to surprise me to hear me sing the national anthem (yeah that's right) and at branch conference. He also surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. What a sweetheart!
We headed to dinner and then to the game. Sadly, he left around 5:45. (Sorry Nic for making you late to rehearsal!) What a wonderful surprise package I got.
The National Anthem...I was asked to sing it by Bert King. I have always wanted to sing it at a basketball game, but never had the courage to ask anyone if I could. It's even on my bucket list. It went really well and I got lots of compliments on it. Saturday night's game was packed! It was a huge game for OIT to play - a division 1 team that were the 2008 national champs for that division. OIT were the 2008 national champs for division 2. I was a little skeptical, but we won by 13 points! It was an intense game to watch and so muc fun! HOOT!!! PS I will post the video of me singing in the next post because A it's taking forever and B I have to go to class.

The beautiful bouquet my loving fiance gave me

We bust ours...

To KICK yours (names and jersey numbers of the team)

Me and my man - isn't he amazing!?

Bridal of the Shower

In behalf of the future Mrs. Phair...

The photographers

Cherise, Michelle, and Rita (a few of the Phair women)

Grandma Phair

The amazing woman who put on the bridal shower (aka my mom) - who is that handsome man in the background? Oh yeah! That's my fiance!

Me opening a few presents from the video "game"

Sorry I haven't posted about the amazing bridal shower my mom put on for me on November 1 (I know I'm a little late in posting, so sorry). I had so much fun. I still can't believe that the bridal shower was in behalf of me. It was a brunch and there were people from church, few friends, and some of Nic's family there as well. We ate some delicious food, opened presents and a video my mom put together (without me knowing). My mom would ask Nic a question and then would video tape his response. During the bridal shower, my mom would ask me that same question and then I would have to give the response that Nic would have said. For every one that I got right, I got a prize. :) She also mentioned that I if I didn't get any right, we couldn't get married...good thing I got them right. ;) A few of his answers were debatable, but for the most part, I got them right. It was a fun filled day. Thank you for all of your hard work that you put into making this an amazing bridal shower. Love you, please.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it doesn't stop until the early morn...

I am sitting in the library surviving...barely. I feel like a semi-truck has hit me. By the time I went to bed, it was somewhere between 2:20 and 2:30. I could have gone longer, but I decided that I really should probably get SOME rest. I think I would have been better off not sleeping, to be honest with you. I think sleeping for 4 hours made me more tired. Oh and well. I got quite a few things done though, so I shouldn't be complaining. I don't think this will be the last time I do something like this - it will happen again in the near future...
On a more exciting note, I'm playing Bunco tomorrow night. I am on a list as a permanent sub. I got involved all thanks to Molly. There are a group of ladies that get together once a month and have a Bunco night. I went once a few months ago and had a blast. I guess this is becoming quite popular (a mormon thing? I don't know). The last time I went, I told them to put me as a permanent sub. The Bunco night rotates each month as to whose house it's at - pay $10 for food and the prizes that are handed out at the end of the night. My question for you: do you Bunco?

Don't look down...

On the right side of my blog, I have deleted the list that I had about what I was thankful for. I tried to add to it whenever I posted about something, but I have decided to shake things up a bit. I have a new list titled "don't look down." You all probably think I'm crazy for naming a list that, because after all it is now 1:40 in the AM. Don't worry, I'm not that crazy. The title revolves around the institute lesson I just had earlier tonight.
We were studying in the New Testament about some parables Jesus Christ taught and some of the events that occurred during His ministry. The one that stuck out to me tonight is in Matthew 14:24-33. Christ is walking on the water towards the ship that had Peter and some of the other disciples in it. They all got scared, but Christ assured them that it was just Him. Peter steps out of the boat and starts walking on the water towards Christ. Side note: what amazing faith Peter had at that very instant in the presence of Christ to be able to get out of the boat and start walking on water without hesitation. Go Peter! Unfortunately, as soon as the wind started blowing and he began to worry about the elements, he looked down and started to sink. Immediately though, Christ stretched forth His hand to help Peter.
What I got out of this story is that we should never look down - always keep our focus on Christ even if the waves are tossing about us and the elements of life are trying to sink us into despair. My list...instead of having this huge long list of what I'm grateful for, I'm going to try and remember (remember is the key word) to update this list and add 5 things that helped me keep my focus on Christ and lifted my spirit for that day - some may be spiritual, others may not. Remember: don't look down - always keep your focus on Jesus Christ.

good morning???

Well it's currently 1:14 AM and I'm still awake. No it's not because I'm an insomniac like my mother, but I decided to stay up later to work on the BIG, FAT HW (aka HomeWork). I've actually gotten quite a few assignments done and studied for a few tests. Fabulous? Not really. I hate feeling like I have gotten so much accomplished and yet nothing all at the same time - welcome to school. I'll admit though that I'm reaching the point where I would love to crash right now, but unfortunately I know there is more studying that awaits me...for now, farewell.

Monday, November 10, 2008

No words

I can't even begin to describe to you how HAPPY I am right now...I was driving home and this overwhelming feeling of JOY and HAPPINESS came over me. I just want to SMILE and SCREAM because I am so HAPPY. Don't ask me what has happened between now and just a few days ago, but I can't even tell you how HAPPY I am. I have HOPE. I have JOY in my spirit. I am all SMILES. I feel ELATED. Words can not even begin to describe how LIFTED my spirit feels...

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I have a confession to make...Don't worry, I didn't do anything wrong.....For some reason, I have been down in the dumps all this past week...I haven't even been able to label my own emotions or what was causing this emotional downfall. I have been going over and over about what I have been up to this past week to try and figure out what the heck was wrong with me - the only conclusion I came to was that it all had to do with school, stressing over the wedding, and Nic's knee surgery. I guess you could say that I tagged myself as overly stressed and I was running on low. Why? I don't know...

Today I went to Nic's sister, Michelle's sacrament meeting - it was the primary program and we wanted to support our nieces and nephews (my future ones). I was reading an article in the General Conference edition of the Ensign. (I decided a couple of days ago to just read it from beginning to end.) I came across a talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from the Saturday morning session. His talk was titled "The Infinite Power of Hope." I began reading and knew right from the beginning that this talk was meant for me to read. Have you ever experienced that? You read something and thought this was written for you to read right at that very moment - that's what happened with this talk.

As I read, President Uchtdorf pin pointed every emotion I was feeling and exactly what I was lacking in my life: hope. I just want to share some things that really helped me - so everything I say will be his direct words...Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. Its absence - when this desire of our heart is delayed - can make "the heart sick."...The adversary uses despair to bind hearts and minds in suffocating darkness. Despair drains from us all that is vibrant and joyful and leaves behind the empty remnants of what life was meant to be...Hope sustains us through despair. Hope teaches that there is reason to rejoice even when all seems dark around us..."Fear not, little flock." God will wait with "open arms to receive" those who give away their sins and continue in faith, hope, and charity. And to all who suffer - to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely - I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in. Never surrender. Never allow despair to overcome your spirit.

Amazing words from an apostle of the Lord. There were so many wonderful things in this talk that I could share with you, but instead I suggest you to read the talk for yourself (www.lds.org). I know what he is talking about - feeling despair and letting it overcome your spirit, feeling lonely, discouraged, worried - I have felt it all this past week. Apparently I have a lack of hope - hope in knowing that I haven't wasted time on my knees and pouring my heart and soul to God - hope in knowing that the Lord is mindful of my needs - hope in knowing that there is a better tomorrow - hope in knowing that I can be upheld and know His goodness.

I bet you are all wondering at this time what I have done to start to regenerate this hope in my spirit...it was a simple thing that began this "regeneration" of hope...before I left Nic today, we were sitting on his bed (immobile because of his knee surgery) and all he did was hold me - his tender voice and his gentle touch were healing to my soul and let me know that the Lord is mindful of me - He has blessed me with hope from Nic's simple act of love towards me. That's what hope is to me: simple acts of love around us that restore our hope. Hope is all around us.

PS I am sorry this is so long, but I felt impressed to share this experience with you all...Thank you President Uchtdorf for your inspiring words that have blessed my life with hope.

Who am I...

You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone.