Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't look down...

On the right side of my blog, I have deleted the list that I had about what I was thankful for. I tried to add to it whenever I posted about something, but I have decided to shake things up a bit. I have a new list titled "don't look down." You all probably think I'm crazy for naming a list that, because after all it is now 1:40 in the AM. Don't worry, I'm not that crazy. The title revolves around the institute lesson I just had earlier tonight.
We were studying in the New Testament about some parables Jesus Christ taught and some of the events that occurred during His ministry. The one that stuck out to me tonight is in Matthew 14:24-33. Christ is walking on the water towards the ship that had Peter and some of the other disciples in it. They all got scared, but Christ assured them that it was just Him. Peter steps out of the boat and starts walking on the water towards Christ. Side note: what amazing faith Peter had at that very instant in the presence of Christ to be able to get out of the boat and start walking on water without hesitation. Go Peter! Unfortunately, as soon as the wind started blowing and he began to worry about the elements, he looked down and started to sink. Immediately though, Christ stretched forth His hand to help Peter.
What I got out of this story is that we should never look down - always keep our focus on Christ even if the waves are tossing about us and the elements of life are trying to sink us into despair. My list...instead of having this huge long list of what I'm grateful for, I'm going to try and remember (remember is the key word) to update this list and add 5 things that helped me keep my focus on Christ and lifted my spirit for that day - some may be spiritual, others may not. Remember: don't look down - always keep your focus on Jesus Christ.