Monday, November 10, 2008

No words

I can't even begin to describe to you how HAPPY I am right now...I was driving home and this overwhelming feeling of JOY and HAPPINESS came over me. I just want to SMILE and SCREAM because I am so HAPPY. Don't ask me what has happened between now and just a few days ago, but I can't even tell you how HAPPY I am. I have HOPE. I have JOY in my spirit. I am all SMILES. I feel ELATED. Words can not even begin to describe how LIFTED my spirit feels...


Lauren MacKenzie Conley said...


The only word I could think of to describe it was "light" and I thought it was fitting. :o)

YAY for being indescribably happy for absolutely no reason what so ever (other than God's desire to ease your stress...)

Dani said...

I'm glad you're so happy! Makes me happy! :) And tag- you're it!

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

Wow I am so glad your so HAPPY! Congrats on that. cool! The time is getting closer. I hope that I will be able to come out for the reception.Hi and tell Nic I said hi too. I hope he is doing well. Since the surgery and all. I am sure your taking good care of him. Talk to ya soon.

mom-jayne said...

You definitely put a smile on my face....happy is a good thing. You deserve it. Loves....